in detail

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Lightweight concrete wall cladding | Concrete LCDA
Lightweight concrete wall cladding | Concrete LCDA
Tree House Roof Detail
A simple, light-gauge roof framing is a good choice for the job. Once the frame has been built, we'll cover it with marine plywood like we did for the outside face of the walls. On top of the plywood we then lay down a rubber membrane to make it waterproof, and finally fix down the roof boards. #treehouse #diy #tree #house #design #principles #tutorial #roof #rafters #waterproofing – Novodobý statek ve středočeské krajině – Novodobý statek ve středočeské krajině
Creativiteit, tot in de detials. Door U-Space
Creativiteit, tot in de detials. Speciaal voor de U-Space ontwikkelt, een rechthoekige open regenpijp die functioneert als een stromende waterval! Een echte eye-catcher.
arcoPlus® 547/ 549 Interlocking polycarbonate system for traslucent facades By Dott.gallina
Interlocking polycarbonate system for traslucent facades arcoPlus®549 - Dott. Gallina 11 / 14
Schule & Mehrzweckhalle Dietrich | Untertrifaller Architekten
Klaus Secondary School and Multi-purpose Hall Dietrich | Untertrifaller Architekten
Bench - For an instant - Isabelle Stanislas - Pouenat Ferronnier - SG5710B
Bench - For an instant - Isabelle Stanislas - Pouenat Ferronnier - SG5710B
Awesome Vertical Concrete Transformation
👍Awesome video - decorative vertical concrete art 🔥 #decorativeconcrete #homedecor #mancave