
41 Pins
noragami : mamoru by parrareru on DeviantArt
(V. I love that kind of love stories ^^ They're so cute together. I'm so sad there's no a secound season .. :/)
Anime picture original 705x1000 319316 en
Anime picture 705x1000 with original sukiblog long hair short hair tall image breasts brown eyes bare shoulders purple hair red hair ponytail standing midriff couple lips collarbone girl dress male necktie
✮ ANIME ART ✮ anime couple. . .romantic. . .love. . .sweet. . .school uniform. . .passion. . .falling papers. . .kawaii
[ Horimiya ] by Fioruccie on DeviantArt
This reminds me of me and my brother. We used to listen to music all the time together.
Sword Art Online, Asuna Kirito, official art Find More Beautiful Wedding Dress at
We Heart It
✮ ANIME ART ✮ anime couple. . .romantic. . .love. . .sweet. . .cuddle. . .sitting on lap. . .almost kissing. . .cute. . .kawaii
✮ ANIME ART ✮ anime couple. . .romantic. . .love. . .sweet. . .handkerchief. . .school uniform. . .seifuku. . .sailor uniform. . .tree. ..shadows. . .cute. . .kawaii
May (2009) © Seong-Min (Artist) via ArtZero, WonderPic Art Gallery, page 2. Manga, Girl, Bookshelves, Books, Cats, Music, CD Player. Cute :-)
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#anime couple