
53 Pins
My top 10 philosophy books - the best philosophical books I've read
My top 10 philosophy books - the best philosophical books I've read - "Thank you tonymac04, for your great Hub about philosophy books - I would have chosen exile (see Socrates etc. - d.48) - the smaller evil... see dali48 and philosophy pschology etc...
10 Must Reads for Intelligent Women
10 Must Reads For Intelligent Non-Conforming Women #InternationalWomensMonth
10 Must Read Books For Every Professional Woman
10 Must Read Books For Every Professional Woman (Updated for 2015!) | Classy Career Girl
[Infographic] Banned Books Week
Banned Books: The Nazi's and the Catholic Church were and are not the only ones to ban books. Currently the State Board of Education bans several. Ray Bradbury's "Farhenheit 451" is a tale of a society banning books. It and the books on this list are all worth reading. The ability to publish them is freedom of speech.
Terry Pratchett, Writer of the Discworld Series, Passes Away at 66 - FangirlNation Magazine
Terry Pratchett, Writer of the Discworld Series, Passes Away at 66
9 books you should have read in high school that are totally worth reading now.
9 books you should have read in high school that are totally worth reading now. If you didn't read these in high school, don't worry: you'll enjoy them more as an adult anyway.
James Coleman
If you are a bibliophile then follow the link to a magical library where you can sign up to a free book trial..
"Books give a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything." Plato
Jefferson County Public Library
To Capture What We Cannot Keep by Beatrice Colin -- Publish Date: 11/29/16 -- A tale set against a backdrop of the late-19th-century construction of the Eiffel Tower follows the romantic relationship between a widow whose precarious financial situation forces her to chaperone two wealthy Scottish charges and a bourgeois family businessman who must marry a suitable wife.
22 Words
29 Books That So Good You Won't Be Able to Put Them Down | 22 Words