Resep makanan

617 Pins
This contains an image of:
This may contain: someone is picking up some food from a tray on the table with it's fingers
Matcha Brownies
This may contain: a knife is laying next to some food on a cutting board with flowers in the background
Pempek Dos Rebon
This may contain: a person cutting up a fish with a knife
This may contain: a bowl filled with food sitting on top of a table next to a yellow flower
Pecak Terong Bakar Santan
This may contain: a plate with some fish and sauce on it
Ikan sambal tomyum 🍀
Resep menarik lainnya klik di Bio ya bunnndaa 🥰😍😍😍 Bahan : 1/2kg ikan selar kembung Bumbu : 5 buah bawang merah 3 buah bawang putih 10 buah cabe merah 1/2 buah bawang bombay 1 bks pasta tomyum 2sdm saus sambal 2sdm saus tomat 1sdm saus tiram Cara membuat : 🍀goreng ikan sampai matang. Jangan terlalu kering agar ikan tidak keras 🍀haluskan bawang merah, bawang putih dan cabe merah. 🍀tumis semua bahan halus dan bawang bombay sampai harum. Masukan pasta tomyum, saus sambal, saus tomat dan saus tiram 🍀jangan lupa koreksi rasa. Bisa tambah gula, garam dan kaldu bubuk bila perlu. Masak hingga bumbu mengental 🍀masukan ikan yang tadi sudah di goreng, aduk dan masak hingga bumbu meresap sempurna
This may contain: someone is cooking some food in a pan with the words bear pancakes written on it
Bear Pancake Luncheon
#healthyfood #koreanfood #koreanfoodrecipes #plating #foodlover #koreanrecipe #asianrecipe #foodplating #foodporn #platingskills #breakfastideas #breakfastrecipes #breakfastrecipe #breakfastsandwich #lunchboxideas #bentoboxlunch #cheese #lunches #luncheonmeat #breadrecipes #bread #cuteness #lionart #kids #snackrecipes #snackideas #snacksforkids #pancakes #pancakesrecipe #cakeideas #cakeart #chocolate
Happy Monday everyone! I can’t believe it’s Easter in 3 weeks 🐰🥚 This cute egg chick is perfect to include in your kids lunchbox 🐣✨ Inspo by @lunches_by_lindsay 🤍 Things you need: - Hard boiled egg - Carrot for the beak - Nori / sesame seeds for the eyes - Ketchup for the cheeks Follow @minas_recipe for more meal ideas & recipes! #lunchboxideas #boiledeggs #egg #easter #easterideas #eastereggs #cooking #explore #reels #ゆで卵 #イースター #ひよこ