
10 Pins
Canon Lens Price Vs. Nikon Lens Price Comparison nikon and canon lens price comparison
Nikon 50mm f/1.8G Lens Review & Visual Guide by Moose
Moose's Visual Guide and Review for the Nikon 50mm f/1.8G
Geniales consejos de iluminación y fotografía
Estos consejos de iluminación y fotografía, me recordaron una campaña de una famosa marca de cámaras donde mencionan que no hay que tomar fotos, sino...
Learn How To Shoot In Manual Mode - ISO, Shutter Speed & Aperture
Shutter Speed, ISO, Aperture ... To be comfortable shooting manual you will need to know what your necessary adjustments are. Though these settings are all numeric, there isnt some insane math equation that you need to do to find out what to dial them i
Canon Lens Price Vs. Nikon Lens Price Comparison nikon and canon lens price comparison
The Ultimate Photography Cheat Sheet | PicMonkey
Your ultimate photography cheat sheet guide. Complete with info about aperture and how it relates to depth of field, shutter speed, ISO, and exposure. All the essentials.
Download ePub eBook @SHOTROCKERS.COM
Manual Mode Cheat Sheet! This is perfect!! I need this on a keychain or something so I can always get it right!
Canon Lens Price Vs. Nikon Lens Price Comparison
nikon and canon lens price comparison