
224 Pins
"Sweet Chili Bliss: Irresistible Sweet Chilli Chicken Wrap Recipe! 🌶️🍗🌯"
Ingredients 👇 * 600g Chicken Breast * 1 Red Pepper * 1/2 Red Onion * 40g Jalepenos * 5 Tbsp Sweet Chilli * 100g Light Cream Cheese * 100g Shredded Mexican Cheese Mix * 2 Tbsp Chinese Five Spice * 4 Tortilla Wraps "Elevate your lunch game with our Sweet Chilli Chicken Wrap! Bursting with flavor, this mouthwatering recipe combines the perfect balance of sweet and spicy. Dive into deliciousness with this easy and satisfying meal. #ChickenWrap #FlavorfulEats #SpicyDelight"
30-min. Easy Honey Sesame Chicken
30-min. Easy Honey Sesame Chicken. Crispy fried chicken smothered in a sweet thick honey sesame sauce. A popular dish at Chinese restaurants for good reason! Recipe link >>>> ������‍������ #easy sesame chicken recipe #easy honey garlic chicken #sesame chicken recipes #MediterraneanMagic:SaucesandDips
This may contain: three plastic containers filled with food sitting on top of a wooden table next to a person's hand
pudding dessert box | follow for update
This may contain: two pieces of food sitting on top of a white plate with the words hottok written above it
weekend snacks ideas; Hotteok (Korean Sweet Pancake)
This may contain: two bowls filled with dumplings and vegetables on top of a woven place mat next to rice
Pangsit Kuah
visit my IG for more recipes
This may contain: a man holding a bowl of food with the words mie ayam jamur in front of him
40min · 4 servings FOLLOW ME @martinpraja for more easy recipes! BAHAN : 350 GR PAHA AYAM FILLET • 150 GR JAMUR KANCING • 4 PCS BAWANG PUTIH • 2 SDM SAUS TIRAM • 1 SDM KECAP MANIS • 3 SDM KECAP ASIN • 1 SDM MINYAK WIJEN • 1 SDT KALDU JAMUR • 1/2 SDT GARAM • 1/2 SDT LADA PUTIH 3 SDM MINYAK AYAM MIE BASAH • POKCOY • DAUN BAWANG PANGSIT GORENG CARA MEMBUAT : • 1. Panaskan kulit ayam sampai kulit crispy dan mengeluarkan minyak, sisihkan sebagian minyak ayam • 2. Tumis bawang putih dengan minyak ayam, masukkan paha ayam fillet, tumis sebentar hingga berubah warna • 3. Masukkan jamur kancing, aduk merata • 4. Masukkan saus tiram, kecap manis, kecap asin, minyak wijen dan seasoning • 5. Masak ayam jamur hingga matang • 6. Rebus mie basah, masukkan kedalam piring
This may contain: a white plate topped with meat covered in teriyan sauce on top of a wooden cutting board
Resep Ayam Madu Ala Chinese Resto🍯