Resep makanan

275 Pins
This may contain: a man making some kind of food in a bowl with the words cuma 2 bahan written on it
Bikin Mie cuman 2 bahan?!
25min · 3 servings MIE 2 BAHAN 3 PCS TELUR 190 GR TEPUNG KENTANG Cara membuat : • 1. campurkan semua bahan. • 2. aduk rata, lalu masukan kedalam piping bag. • 3. tuang adonan kedalam air mendidih. • 4. masak hingga mengambang, lalu angkat dan dinginkan dalam air es. • 5. saring dan sajikan.
This may contain: bbq mayonnaise chicken served with rice and lettuce on a plate
Menu diet Favorite gue nih! "BBQ Mayonnaise Chicken"🧑🏻‍🍳 #resepayam #bbqchicken #menudiet
This may contain: a bowl filled with meat and vegetables on top of a wooden table next to green onions
Happy Sunday Guys! Makan siang, enaknya kita bikin Enoki Beef Roll☝🏻#enokibeefroll #beefrecipe
This may contain: a man holding up a plate with food on it and the words bakwan goreng next level
30min · 20 servings RESEP BAKWAN NEXT LEVEL 1/2 PCS KOL • 1 PCS WORTEL • 2 BATANG DAUN BAWANG • 15 PCS SOSIS KANZLER • 10 SDM TEPUNG TERIGU • 5 SDM TEPUNG BERAS • 150 GR AIR ES • GARAM • LADA PUTIH • KALDU JAMUR MINYAK UNTUK MENGGORENG BUMBU HALUS : • 5 PCS BAWANG MERAH • 2 PCS BAWANG PUTIH • 2 PCS KEMIRI AIR SECUKUPNYA SAMBAL KACANG : • 50 GR KACANG TANAH GORENG • 1 PCS CABE MERAH KERITING • 4 PCS CABE RAWIT • 100 ML AIR • GARA • GULA KALDU JAMUR CARA MEMBUAT : • 1. Iris tipis semua bahan, tambahkan tepung terigu dan tepung beras juga seasoning, masukkan ke dalam bowl besar • 2. Tumis bumbu halus hingga harum • 3. Masukkan bumbu halus yang sudah ditumis kedalam bowl, tambahkan air es lalu aduk rata • 4. Goreng adonan bakwan di minyak panas, goreng hing
This may contain: a bowl filled with food sitting on top of a table next to a sunflower
cumi hitam | follow for update
This may contain: a plate full of beef and onions with the words mongolian beef above it
Tips agar daging jadi empuk! Enaknya liburan gini, kita bikin Mongolian Beef✨ #resepdaging #beef
This may contain: a bowl filled with lots of food on top of a green table cloth next to yellow flowers
This may contain: a plate filled with food on top of a blue table cloth next to yellow flowers
#foodie #tiktok #food #makanan #gulali #minuman #viral #cooking #recipe #kuliner #jajanan #resep
This may contain: a man is eating some fried food with his mouth open and the caption says, ayan goreng tepung
45min · 10 servings Yang tinggal di kosan bisa loh bikin ayam goreng tepung yang bahannya simple. #menukosandapurrutin AYAM GORENG TEPUNG 500 GR SAYAP AYAM • 1 SDM OYSTER SAUCE • 1 SDM KECAP ASIN • 3 PCS BAWANG PUTIH PARUT • 1 BATANG DAUN BAWANG • 1/2 SDT GARAM • 3/4 SDT LADA PUTIH 1/2 SDT KALDU JAMUR 80 GR TEPUNG TERIGU • 25 GR TEPUNG MAIZENA 2 GR BAKING POWDER 2 BUTIR TELUR KOCOK LEPAS CARA MEMBUAT : • 1. Sayat sayap ayam agar bumbu meresap • 2. Tambahkan bawang putih parut, daun bawang dan seasoning • 3. Marinasa ayam selama 10 menit • 4. Campurkan bahan kering, aduk rata • 5. Balur ayam ke tepung kering, kocokan telur lalu bahan kering • 6. Goreng ayam hingga matang, sajikan
This may contain: some food is on a black plate with sauce
Auto ludes! Pempek Sutra bahan utamanya hanya dari telor aja😱 #pempeksutra #reseppempek
This may contain: a white plate topped with chicken wings on top of a table
Ayam Goreng Terasi🍗