
107 Pins
Get your fun on with a unique line of fat rides from Coast Cycles, including one you've been waiting for... 26+?
coast bikes commuter (2)
The Year's Most Exciting Bike
Niner's IMBA ROS9+. Note the curved seat tube for shortest possible wheelbase, despite the fat tires.
Diplom Wintersemester 2012/13 | ID – Industrial Design
Shortbike Endmodell7 _72dpi
NAHBS 2013: Cherubim's City Bike Dubbed The Best, Showcases Elegant Road Racer
North American Handmade Bicycle Show 2013 Best City Bike Award Winner: Cherubim. Look at the hooks on the handles bars.
Functional bikes. Not Porn not Anti (page 375)
Functional bikes. Not Porn not Anti (page 375) | LFGSS
Ferrari Designers Built A Gorgeous $11,000 Bicycle
Pininfarina Fuoriserie Bicycle by 43 Milano
strange-measure: full Ti bash guard