My very own "Labor of Love" project..... Visage a' Visage Mansion - Lancaster PA

An old 1800 Mansion, was to be demolished because all was stolen, ransacked, destroyed, damaged. Vacant 2 years no heat, or electric, holes in roof with damage extending to lowest level.
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Our Beautiful "Waxxing Suite" complete with a medical bed transformed for the ultimate comfort..... from the 50's!!!!
Recreated "Spa Lounge" from its original "speak easy days" minus the vandalism and "cleaned up"- in honor of a famous Lancaster Doctor and his family- Dr. Hogg.....
Grande' Solarium/Entertainment Room with Grande' Piano (piano is a tribute to a very special uncle who passed away from cancer-John R. Broderick)
Our Grande' Solarium with the Original Tiffany Ceiling of Stained Glass
Shampoo/Relaxation/Massage Suite & Art Gallery..... with hand made suspended floating bubble lighting
One of our Reception Suites