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Dark Island trail runs through wooded areas and farmland, but its greatest treasure lies in the middle where it passes over the Platte River.
This may contain: a person is holding a banana peel in their hand with the words let's make fertilizer out of banana peel
Let's make your own banana peel fertilizer!
Best Way to Get Rid of Weeds
Natural homemade non toxic weed killer. Easy way to get rid of weeds. Non toxic way to get rid of weeds. Homemade weed killer recipe.
How to Make an Amazing Garden Lamp With Your Chainsaw DIY
This is one of the most beautiful and amazing garden lights that I have seen, and it is made out of nothing more than an old, dried out log and an inexpensive outdoor light. If you have chainsaw skills, then this project is for you so grab your chainsaw and put your skills to the test with this cool lamp build. Once you create one you won’t be able to stop, and you’ll be making them for everyone you know. Tools and Materials Dried Hardwood Log Chainsaw Ratchet Tie-Down Straps…