
55 Pins
Our outdoor bathroom, Coco Lodge, Ko Muk | Peter and Ashs travels
Our outdoor bathroom, Coco Lodge, Ko Muk | Peter and Ashs travels | Off Exploring
Lens Perspectives
Just another world and universe citizen... — markunsan: TOYOTA ROCK FESTIVAL にて、 Bamboo and...
Decoración de bambú, Lámpara de escritorio, Muebles de madera, Regalo para hombres, Iluminación rústica, Lámpara LED, Lámpara de bambú, Lámpara de escritorio, Lámpara de noche, Lámpara de madera, Lámpara de dormitorio - Etsy España
☯ This stylish bamboo lamp is handmade with a passion and great attention to details in our workshop from a natural, fire cured bamboo pole, decorated with a lead tape and papyrus, and creates a natural and exotic atmosphere. ☯ Size /approximately/: height 16(40cm) x ø4(10cm) ☯ Included in
mobiliario em bambu
Résultats de recherche d'images pour « lamparas em bambu »
Image result for bamboo crafts
12 Patio Lights That Will Brighten Up Your Outdoor Space
Bamboo Candles (14 of 25) - love these for a casual outdoor party - eco-friendly #crafts #bamboo #candles by martha - †å
Bamboo Products
Bamboo Mood Lights are all unique as they are made from our own home grown bamboo, cut and finished in our own workshops, and then fitted with festive lights.