stay healthy

217 Pins
Eliminate Nasal Congestion, Sinusitis With This Powerful Carrot Juice
No More Sinus — Juicing For Health
Juicing for Health: 12 Vitamin-Packed, Energizing Recipes
۞✄…… Metabolism Booster Juice Recipe - got to try this when we get our juicer
One of the Best Juice Combos for Lower Cholesterol, Weight Loss and Better Sleep
Lower Cholesterol — Juicing For Health Got pin from new community board, 'Squeezed' really great juicing recipes :) - worth checking out for die hard, every dryers like me. Enjoy
The Absolute Best Exercises For a Stronger Butt, According to a Trainer
21 Day Challenge
3-Circuit Kettlebell Workout | Pumps & Iron
Full-Body Kettlebell Workout (made up of three mini circuits: the first focusing on core, then lower body, then upper body)
This 30-Day Plank Challenge Is the Switch-Up Your Fitness Routine Needs
This 2-week challenge mixes up five basic variations to not only tone your abs and arms, but to target the obliques, legs, and upper back
Boil Lemons And Drink The Liquid As Soon As You Wake Up. You Will Be SHOCKED By The Results!
The internet is flooded with new and different types of drinks every day. While some promise to aid weight loss, a few others claim to provide some or the other health benefit(s). We are not saying that these drinks do not work as promised, but following the correct procedure for consuming them is also very important.
The 60 Best Ab Workouts You Can Do From Home
The 60 Best Ab Workouts You Can Do From Home Pictures, Photos, and Images for Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, and Twitter:
The Healthy Wonders of Apple Cider Vinegar
The Healthy Wonders of Apple Cider Vinegar and how it can help you loose weight, ease your digestion, balance your pH, have a healthier skin, and more!
Strawberry Watermelon Flush Fat™ Detox Water - Not Quite a Vegan
I love detox waters! If you haven’t noticed I post a lot of flush fat detox waters, because they work. I am constantly thinking of new recipes to create. I always start with whatever fresh fruit/veggies I have in the house and how I personally think they will taste mixed together. Who doesn’t love strawberries …
10 reasons why you should drink hot lemon water in the morning
10 reasons why you should drink hot lemon water in the morning. I've been doing this!