
Neumáticos reciclados para jardinería y decoración. Fotos de plantas y más (III)
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My grandmother used to make these on the ranch, using old tires!
Ha már elfáradt a gumi...
és újakat teszel az autódra, a régieket fesd be valami tuti színűre és már majdnem kész az új benti vagy kinti bútor/dekoráció/játék. Persze lehet bonyolultabbakat is készíteni, de egy kis festékkel is már elég ütős hatást lehet elérni. Hajrá! A…
20 Garden Decorations and Kids Toys Made with Recycled Tires
20 Garden Decorations and Kids Toys Made with Recycled Tires
24 Creative Ways to Reuse Old Tires as a Garden Decoration
upcycling ideas garden art dragon old tires
40+ Creative DIY Ideas to Repurpose Old Tire into Animal Shaped Garden Decor
40+ Creative DIY Ideas to Repurpose Old Tire into Animal Shaped Garden Decor | iCreativeIdeas.com Like Us on Facebook ==> https://www.facebook.com/icreativeideas
Recycle tires worm... #recycedtyres #playground #aboutthegarden.com.au
Sue has gotten us a lot of wonderful, new, indoor gym equipment, but at this time of the year, I can't help but "Think Spring". Wouldn't it be fun to build something like this to put in the grass at the far side of the playground?!
Neumáticos reciclados para jardinería y decoración. Fotos de plantas y más (XIV)
http://integratire.com/ https://www.facebook.com/integratireandautocentres https://twitter.com/integratire https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCITPbyTpbyNCDeEmFbYFU6Q