life learned lessons

Quotes and statements to make you think or smile
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Jay Yang on Instagram: "Do you agree?"
Ein guter Plan — Bücher für Halt in der Welt on Instagram: "Es ist wie mit Gärten: Hier und da muss man mal was zurückschneiden, stetig und ausreichend bewässern und auf die richtige Dosis Sonnenlicht achten, ein bisschen Unkraut rupfen oder Beete und Pflanzen winterfest machen, damit alles zum Besten gedeihen kann und geschützt ist. ⁠ Wir selbst sind dieser Garten. ⁠ Und damit uns niemand übers Beet latscht, stellen wir Begrenzungen auf. ⁠ Wenn wir anfangen, uns bewusster um uns selbst zu kümmern, liegt es nahe, dass wir auch mehr Grenzen setzen. Denn wenn wir verstanden haben, dass wir Gutes für uns etablieren dürfen, wächst auch der Wunsch, eben dieses zu schützen, und das Ganze wird zu einer großen Aufgabe.⁠ Dann wird aus dem Garten womöglich eine ganze Stadt, mit Wegweisern, Begrenzun
Sahil Bloom on Instagram: "Send this to someone who needs to hear it today! The worst prison in the world is having the talent and intelligence to achieve something great but lacking the courage to go out and do it."
Business | Finance | Self Improvement on Instagram: "Ever wondered why some people seem to keep moving forward while others stay stuck? It all comes down to how they spend their time and money. Rich people buy time: They understand that time is their most valuable asset. Instead of doing everything themselves, they free up their time for more important things. How can you reclaim more time today? Poor people buy stuff: Buying things we don’t need might bring temporary happiness, but it often keeps us from reaching our bigger goals. Does that new purchase really help you move forward? Ambitious people buy skills: People focused on growth invest in learning. Gaining new skills is the fastest way to create better opportunities. What are you learning today that will help you tomorrow? Lazy
Freek van Litsenburg - Get to know yourself🇬🇧🇳🇱🇪🇸 on Instagram: "3 Confronting Questions to Think about: 1. Is the life you are living now a result of your choices or your fears? 2. Is there a conversation you would be proud of yourself for having, even if the outcome is not positive? 3. If you get hit by a bus tomorrow, what would you most regret not saying to somebody? (When will you say it?) Hopefully this can provoke some thoughts. Nothing but love, Freek @wethinkdeeply #selfreflection #journaling #wethinkdeeply"
Podcast Wisdom on Instagram: "Earn Money by posting on social media with unlimited growth opportunities without ever showing your face in the link in my bio #motivation #motivationalquotes #motivational #motivate #motivated #motivatedaily #motivateyourself #mindset #mindsets #mindsetiseverything #mindsetmatters #mindsetquotes #mindsetcoach #mentality #millionairementality #mentalityiseverything #abundancementality #mindsetwisdom #successmentality #workworkworkworkwork #workhard #workhardplayhard #bebulletproof #healthymindset #healthymind #healthymindhealthybody #healthymindbodysoul #selfimprovement #consistencyiskey #consistency"
bossbabe™ on Instagram: "Honoring your truth > keeping the peace. 🤍"