eat eat eat

13 Pins
This may contain: a white bowl filled with food sitting on top of a table next to a spoon
siapa nih yang suka cilor? 🤤 #resepcilor
This may contain: some food is cooking in a pan on the stove
sambal telur puyuh
This may contain: a white plate topped with rice covered in meat and veggies on top of a wooden table
nasi gila
Resep menarik lainnya klik di Bio ya bunnndaa 🥰😍😍😍 Bahan:⁣ • 1 piring nasi putih⁣ • 2 butir telur⁣ • 3 sosis⁣ • 6 bakso sapi⁣ • 30 gr sawi hijau⁣ • 3 siung bawang putih⁣ • 3 siung bawang merah⁣ • 3 cabe rawit merah⁣ • 2 sdm kecap manis⁣ • 2 sdm saos sambal⁣ • 1 sdt saus tiram⁣ • 1/2 sdt kaldu bubuk / penyedap⁣ • 1/2 sdt micin⁣