Designer records

Hang them on your wa-uh-wa-uh-wall
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Etta Jones - Percussive Mariachi 1967
Alex Steinweiss – part 5
1958 Beethoven Piano Concerto No. 3 in C Minor op. 37 [London Records catalogue no. CS 6096]
Jazz album covers by record labels such as Blue Note and Verve were pretty cool and well designed when they were originally released. However designer Jeff Rochester from America has recently picked some classic album covers like Blue Train by John Coltrane, Time Out by Dave Brubeck and Kind of Blue by Miles Davis and given them a reworking – Nice
Jack Costanzo - Costanzo, Cano & Bongos!
Jack Costanzo - Costanzo, Cano & Bongos! (1963)