The Romanov

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Queen Victoria - Wikipedia
Os Romanov e da Casa de Windsor vida útil da Rainha Victoria: tempo de vida de 1819-1901 Prince Albert: 1840-1861 Filhos: Edward VII | Victoria, princesa real, a princesa Alice do Reino Unido | Princesa Beatriz de Reino Unido | Alfred, Duque de Saxe-Coburg Gotha & | Princesa Helena | Princesa Louise, Duquesa de Argyll | Príncipe Arthur, duque de Connaught | Leopoldo, Duque de Albany
The Boudoir of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna of Russia at the Winter Palace. "AL"
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"I have been very fortunate to have obtained the Autochrome book from Tsarskoe Selo from a very great friend… these photos were taken IN FULL COLOUR in 1917. These are NOT re-coloured by anyone in photoshop. These are the real colours of rooms in the Alexander Palace as the Romanovs saw them." (
Romanov's in Germany by KraljAleksandar on DeviantArt
Playroom by KraljAleksandar
Maria and Anastasia's Bedroom
Maria and Anastasia's bedroom at Alexander Palace in Tsarskoe Selo
Rooms at Alexander Palace, 1917. These photos were taken after the imperial family's departure to Tobolsk, Siberia.
Rooms at Alexander Palace, 1917. These photos are real color pictures. These photos was taken after the imperial family's departure to Tobolsk, Siberia.
The Romanov Family, 1913.
The Romanov Family 1913.