Cool Stuff

122 Pins
How to Choose Plants for Miniature Gardens
Want to create a miniature garden with living plants? This guide by expert Janit Calvo has all the information and resources you need to get started. Find out about the best plant choices, and how to plan your garden and accessories for a creative and enchanting living work of art.
Airstream Trailer Miniature Succulent Garden | Lush Little Landscapes « How to Make Miniature Fairy Gardens for Centerpieces, Gifts
Airstream Trailer Miniature Fairy Succulent Garden | Lush Little Landscapes
Homemade Vicks Shower Disks
Homemade Vicks Shower Disks. Pop one in your shower for a slow menthol release that helps stuffy noses and heads.
I inherited my love of birds and owls from my Nana. And this knit owl hat has been a perennial best seller. Now I'm sharing the Owl Hat pattern with you.
One pant-leg = one adorable, durable craft apron!
How to make a child's apron from your old jeans. Easy tutorial lets you turn the pant leg of your old jeans into a durable kid's craft apron!
DIY Shower Vapor Discs
Sinus clearing shower cubes - eucalyptus, peppermint & rosemary