cute fooodddsss

18 Pins
10 Brilliantly Creative Lunch Ideas That'll Please Any Child
#5 – Bear Burgers If you’re having a hard time getting the kids to eat meat, these itty bitty teddy bear burgers just might do the trick! Source: Pinterest
Japanese Mom Bakes Awesome Bread Loaves Inspired By Her Kid’s Drawings And Nature (New Pics)
Pasta pizza Serves 2 1. Cook 1/2 lb of pasta until al dente 2. Cook 1 tbsp of olive oil & 1 cup of mini pepperoni on medium heat until crispy 3. Add 3/4 jar of your favorite tomato sauce and bring to a simmer 4. Add 1/2 cup heavy cream & seasonings 5. Add your cooked pasta with a dash of pasta water 6. Add 1/2 cup parm & 1/2 cup mozarella & mix 7. Top with more mozarella & mini pepperoni and broil until cheese is melted and pepperoni are crispy enjoy!