
321 Pins
Quilted bag made for Debbie Shore using the nesting heart templates. Airing on Hochanda TV. Love this bag!
入園入学♡体操着入れ ナップサック 巾着トートバッグ 11号帆布
入園入学♡体操着入れ ナップサック 巾着トートバッグ 11号帆布
入園入学♡体操着入れ ナップサック 巾着トートバッグ 11号帆布
入園入学♡体操着入れナップサックです。sizeたて40cmよこ30cm巾着トートバッグとしても。11号帆布ドット+cottonツイル黒+cotton smoke pink 二段フリル内側は黒撥水baby pink合皮リボンは安全ピンでとめてます。ループエンド付けてます。○○○○○○○○○○○○御購入後のsize交換等はできません。ご確認の上ご検討くださいね。折りたたんでの発送となります。
手作り子供用ポシェット♡かわいいデザインのポシェット&作り方を紹介♪ | mancystyle
子ども 子供 ポシェット 作り方 手作り 簡単 かわいい ふた ファスナー ボタン
Porta Vade Mecum C Bolso Pronta Entrega
Em tecido 100% algodão, estruturada em manta resinada, com fechamento em botão de pressão, bolsos para o seu celular e canetas, alças para facilitar no transporte. *Este é o tamanho tradicional da Editora Saraiva, mas pode ser feito em outros tamanhos também e outras estampas. Peça única.
Unicorn 𝐌𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐮𝐦 Waterproof Beach Clutch Bag
Our beach Clutch Bag is our jem. It will become your favoride travel companion. It's vibrant colors and cute elements will earn lots of compliments, we think it's a total eye-catch. In the same time it is very practical and useful for your valuables that wanna keep safe from getting wet.
All in a Flap Bag - fold over bag pattern POTM | So Sew Easy
All in a Flap fold over clutch bag with options for shoulder or wrist strap. Easy to sew, uses very little fabric, instructions for using vinyl/suede etc too.
Sew tote bag from recycled denim and upholstery - Google Search
Резултат слика за Sew tote bag from recycled denim and upholstery