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El cambio ha llegado
Helping your kids understand the importance of extending your family line will help the world to get rid of the ChildFree ideology that robs the Humanity from its future (i.e. human babies)
18 26 sulawesi matrimonio
Torajan girl. Toraja, Sulawesi. Indonesia. - visit
What do you think of when you look at this image? Magic? Innocence? Infinite possibilities? x
"The energy in dance is there to heal surrender to it - dance is the art of shape-shifting into all aspects of your spiritual-emotional 'Self'. Be fluid. Be flexible, Be alive and whole in body-mind-soul." ~ Sabrina Steczko
iban girl #2
Iban, branch of the Dayak peoples of Burneo
The History of Wayang Kulit in Java - GETAWAY TOURS INDONESIA: Tour Operator, Reliable and Trustworthy for your Java & Indonesia
The History of Wayang Kulit in Java | Java Indonesia Surabaya Tour Operator, Tour Travel Agency