rice bowl jualan

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This may contain: a white plate topped with pasta covered in tomato sauce and spinach leaves on top of a wooden table
Resep masakan mood booster “ Tumis Jamur Kemangi “
20min · 4 servings Bahan - bahan : • 200gr jamur tiram • 1 ikat kemangi • 3 daun jeruk • Garam , gula , penyedap dan lada Bumbu dihaluskan • 10 cabe merah • 3 cabe rawit • 8 bawang merah • 3 bawang putih • 1 tomat
This contains an image of:
This may contain: a plate filled with chicken and broccoli on top of a wooden table next to a fork
This may contain: a bowl filled with rice and shrimp on top of a table next to a sunflower
nasi telur hongkong
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This may contain: a bowl filled with fried eggs and meat on top of rice next to a wooden table
Resep Chicken Balado Rice Bowl
Resep Chicken Balado Rice Bowl
This may contain: a bowl filled with rice and meat covered in sauce
Resep Ayam Goreng Mayo Gochujang
20min · 2 servings Sajian ayam goreng mudah dengan bumbu toping mayones gochujang. Bisa jadi ide bekal atau jualan rice bowl. BAHAN • 6 buah nugget ayam beku • 6 buah karaage spicy • minyak goreng • Saus: • 6 sdm mayones • 2 sdt gochujang • 1 sdt sambal tabur • 1 sdt gula pasir • 1 sdm kecap asin • 1 siung bawang putih, cincang halus • Pelengkap: • nasi hangat • wijen hitam dan putih • timun, iris tipis • wortel, iris korek api, blansir