Lubrene Launch

SANTA AEULALIA 1843, Barcelona, Spain, "Picture Perfect", for Lardini, photo by Alessio Lardini, pinned by Ton van der Veer
Visual Artists — {{ pageTitle }}
Visual Artists — Frank Hulsbomer — Still Life
Designer Passport: A Sanity-Defying Composition of Color and Form
Designer Passport: A Sanity-Defying Composition of Color and Form — The Shutterstock Blog
Millington Associates.
Clever window display that looks hand drawn; uses paper cut-out silhouette | Clarks | Autumn/Winter, 2013 by Millington Associates | #windowdisplay #visualmerchandising
Creative hooks #visualmerchandising #visualmerchandiser #retaillife #retaildisplay #vmdaily Via @hookscreative
A Stand-Out Exhibit For Kids Trade Fair - The Cool Hunter Journal
Rope, wood and 39 foam board flowers decorated with fashion patterns. These were the elements of a display of Spanish children’s shoe brands at the 76th annual children’s fashion fair, FIMI (Feria Internacional de Moda Infantil) in Valencia, Spain, at the end of January. Valencia-based design studio Masquespacio with designer Ana Milena Hernández Palacios at …
Grupo REX ❤ Salón Bodas y Eventos en Alzira y l'Alcudia
Tercer Open day Grupo REX- PHOTOCALL tematizado marinero - STILprint-