
33 Pins
4,042 Likes, 69 Comments - VSCO FILTERS (@vscocheats) on Instagram: “+ #vscocheatsfree Ohem, the long wait is over! ✨ New looks, new flavour! Here's a free millennium…”
VSCO CAM - Filtro P5+10 Contraste -3 Exposição -2 Saturação +2 Temperatura -3 Matiz +3 Desvaneça +12
A filter for pastel pics. I like this filter because it looks soft and cute. H…
#freefilter ❕ this one is amazing for theming! it goes with mostly all type of photos (makes all skin colours perfect!) and it goes with all colours too, but i'd use it for brown and green colours. the grain adds like a retro look to the photo, but if you don't want to put it bc you think that the quality isn't that good you don't have to add it. it's a warm filter, and if the photo has a lot of green in it (for exapmle a photo of a forest) put -2 tint, bc it will make the green look better...
#B5filtrs / free filter❕ many people have requested a black and white filter so here you gooo obviously it works on everything and it also looks really good on selfies — you can get the paid filters for free with the link on @filtrsbackup, MORE INFO ON THERE SO GO CHECK IT OUT
Filter Guide/Filter Tips/A6Filter/VSCO //////// (For more updates, please follow my board @diancrsss, thanks before )
LifeStraw Personal Water Filter for Hiking, Camping, Travel, and Emergency Preparedness
VSCO CAM - Filtro HB1+7 Saturação -2 Temperatura +1 Matiz +3
。・゜・Nea Sorvisto・゜・。 ☆*:.。. IG: @vvnea .。.:*☆