Gross Motor Skill

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Balancing Ball Activity!
This was a challenge for the boys. They had to work together carrying the ball with the sticks to the end of the course. If the ball dropped they had to go back to the start. They were working on teamwork, communication, balance, coordination and gross motor skills. This was a fun way for them to practice accomplishing a goal together. They didn’t get it right away but when they did accomplish the goal they were so excited and proud!
37 Creative Backyard Birthday Party Ideas Kids Will Love
Don't throw away those empty bleach bottles -- transform them into an outdoor catching game! 1. Cut the end off a cleaned bleach bottle and remove the label. 2. Wrap the bottle with colorful tape, and you're ready to play catch!/
12 Awesome Outdoor Activities for Active Toddlers – Line upon Line Learning
12 Awesome Outdoor Activities for Active Toddlers + Giveaway – Line upon Line Learning
Haustier: Qualle. Selbstgemacht!!!
Welches Kind liebt keine Schatzsuchen? Ist es da nicht eine tolle Idee, am eigenen Geburtstag eine Geburtstags-Schnitzeljagd mit einer Schatzsuche zu spielen? Dann stellen wir euch gleich einmal Amelies Schatzsuche vor! Unsere liebe Leserin Desirée hat neulich einen tollen Geburtstag für ihre nun fünfjährige Tochter Amelie organisiert. Sie hat sich dafür eine Schatzsuche mit verschiedenen Stationen …
7 atividades montessorianas e seus benefícios de 6 meses a 6 anos
7 atividades montessorianas e seus benefícios de 6 meses a 6 anos |
11 Divertidas actividades para festejar el Día del Niño en casa
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