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Este nudo de fricción se distingue de otros de igual categoría porque se libera bajo la carga. Así, resulta idóneo como elemento de seguridad para maniobras de descuelgue o rápel ante reuniones dudosas, maillones incluidos. Este nudo puede realizarse con un cordino de sección redonda de unos 4-6 milímetros de... Leer más →
Tree Climbing Kits | Spur Climbing Kit | SHERRILLtree
Texas Climbing System SRT |
How to tie the right knots | Animated Knots for Fishing, Scouting, Boating, Climbing, Survival
Prusik Knot - How to tie a Prusik Knot Hitch
The 4 Best Knots to Tie Rappel Ropes Together
A Square Fishermans Knot is used to tie two ropes together for rappelling.
Klemheist Knot
The Klemheist Knot or Machard knot is a type of friction hitch that grips the rope when weight is applied, and is free to move when the weight is released. It is used similarly to a Prusik knot or the Bachmann knot to ascend or descend a climbing rope. More About the Kleimheist Knot One advantage of the Klemheist Knot is that webbing can be used as an alternative to cord. The Klemheist is easier to slide up than a Prusik, and is also a way to attach a snubber to the anchor rope of small boat...
General principles for solo climbing with a fixed belay rope
Self belay by petzl
how to attach a belay device to a harness - Google Search
How to tie the right knots | Animated Knots for Fishing, Scouting, Boating, Climbing, Survival
Figure Eight Follow-through - The strongest knot for a loop at the end of a rope. The Follow-through is for tying around a ring or closed loop. The regular Figure Eight is much easier to tie.
How to Tie a Knot: 12 Essential Outdoor Knots and Hitches
Knots: How to Tie the Highwayman's Hitch | Field & Stream
Caribiners! You should always have a few of these. They come in handy for things like climbing (obviously) but also self rescue, constructing shelters, hanging or repairing gear, etc. You don't have to have the locking type, although they are the best, but just a few of the climbing rated ones are a good idea. Don't waste your time with the "snap rings" that are used for key chains and say "not for climbing". They're junk.
Klemheist Knot
The Autoblock Knot