Health and fitness

28 Pins
14 Days Challenge for Perfect Body
Simple rules for you to have stretching!!! Just 14 days challenge will help your body become perfect. Follow them and enjoy the results! #fatburn #burnfat #gym #athomeworkouts #exercises #weightlosstransformation #exercise #exercisefitness #weightloss #health #fitness #loseweight #workout
Women's New Releases
Try this no equipment workout with Becca Sills. Start with Knee Tucks then move into V-Ups. Wearing Dusky Pink Gymshark combo for a comfy, stylish look. #Gymshark #Workout #Target #Fitness #Gym #Exercise #Sweat #Challenge #Abs #Core #OutfitInspiration #Crunch #Situp
6 Awesome At Home Workouts
1️⃣ Side crunches x 15 each side - for DR & pregnancy friendly option extend with foot touching the ground.
Booty Lift Workout To Look Amazing In Denim Shorts @danalandgren
1️⃣ Single leg hip thrusts with band x 15 each side - NOT DR & pregnancy friendly.
‎BetterMe: Health Coaching
Get Ultimate 28-Days Meal & Workout Plan! Click to download the app on App Store now 💪🏻🍽😍!
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TOUCH esta imagen: As you lower your body to the floor and the familiar “bur... by the best daily deal
Vital Seamless Clothing Collection
Squeeze the booty! Get rounder, fuller glutes with this leg day workout from Chloe Ting. For fast, full routines for your gym sessions head to @GymsharkTrain on Insta! #Gymshark #Workout #Target #Fitness #Gym #Exercise #Sweat #Challenge #Legs #Core #LegDay
Booty Lift Workout To Look Amazing In Denim Shorts @danalandgren
4️⃣ Mountain climber variation x 15 each side - NOT DR or pregnancy friendly.