Lamps, Lighting, LightDeco

Lampu, Penerangan, Style Penerangan, Ambient cahaya, Mood Feel cahaya dan lain-lain
242 Pins
Industrial Bottle Lamp
This lamp was born out of a bunch of parts that I had lying around the workshop. However, you should be able to find most of these parts on eBay or your local junk store. If not, then you’ll probably need to improvise a little.
Anthropologie Handwoven Macrame Chandelier - copycatchic
Anthropologie Handwoven Macrame Chandelier
Unique Driftwood Chandelier Bringing Coastal Chic into Modern Interiors
natural rope and driftwood chandelier
Peindre des paniers et des corbeilles pour des suspensions lumineuses
DIY récup : peindre des paniers en osier pour les transformer en luminaires déco - Marie Claire Idées