Think of EFT as acupressure or acupuncture without the needles. Tapping on specific energy points on the body is proven to regulate your nervous system and can be used around any negative emotion or limiting belief that is holding you back. Want to know more about tools you can use to get you out of the mundane? Comment “EFT” for a free call to discuss. Follow 🔥 @iammicheleseg 💃🏻 @iammicheleseg ✨ @iammicheleseg #eft #emotionalfreedomtechnique #certifiedlifecoach #mindsetcoach #confi... Regulate Your Nervous System, Emotional Freedom Technique, The Mundane, Mindset Coaching, Limiting Beliefs, Negative Emotions, Acupressure, Transform Your Life, Acupuncture