hasirama senju

#NARUTO NARUTO log - xiwa / 紗々音シアのイラスト - pixiv
Tobirama, Hashirama, Itama & Kawarama .... The Senju brothers... Even though Hashirama is older, he is always gonna be a kid at heart... It's upto tobirama to be the grownup caretaker
Tsunade hugging her deceased, great granduncle..... Tsunade hugs Tobirama with a disappointed Hashirama.
NARUTO Image by Pixiv Id 12472887 #1843758 - Zerochan Anime Image Board
Lol Hashirama and Madara in the background xD poor Tobirama has no friends
Love you Hashirama ! <3. Madara: Yeah, love you too much Hashi... Tobirama: Get away from my brother fucking Uchiha!! >:C
Hashirama, Little Tsunade - I love how Hashirama totally spoiled his granddaughter.