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Great Impressions with All Glass Vestibules | W&W Glass
W&W Glass Facades Blog | Great First Impressions with All Glass Vestibules
Gallery of Vue53 / Valerio Dewalt Train - 16
Image 16 of 39 from gallery of Vue53 / Valerio Dewalt Train. Photograph by Barbara Karant
Façade Systems Danpal® from Danpal
Danpal offers a wide range of solutions for your façades. Single Glazed Translucent Façade, Danpal® Façade System, is lightweight and offers excellent weather protection with high impact resistance. Danpatherm® System is designed to achieve high thermal performance and good light transmission
아크네 스튜디오 청담점
압구정로 대로변 엠포리오 아르마니 매장 옆 틈새 작은 대지에 스웨덴 패션 브랜드 아크네 스튜디오 단독 플래그쉽 스토어로 진행된 본 프로젝트는 외부 직사각형 매스 위에 설비 시설물을 배치하여, 단순하며, 기계적이고, 산업적인 이미지가 결합된 형태의 건축물로 진행되었다. 외벽은 유백색의 단파론 판넬 마감으로 은은한 자연채광이 실내로 유입되며, 야간에는 반대로 실내조명이 외부로 투영되어 그 존재감을 드러낸다. 매장 내부는 다양한 질감의 노출콘크리트와 차가운 금속판넬로 마감되어, 아크네 스튜디오의 브랜드 정체성을 건축적 언어로 풀어서 진행하였다.
A Gallery of Weird and Wonderful Windows
Vertical glass window - use to create separation of spaces
Isola - Google Italy Headquarters - William McDonough + Partners
Isola - William McDonough + Partners
Try to Keep It Stylish – Go For Curtain Walling
Shade walling is a completion mounted on the outer dividers. This is utilized as a sun screen, for style and outside solid acoustics.
Blog | W&W Glass, LLC
W&W Glass Facades Blog | Industry trends, new technology and project specific information on glass
Page Not Found - Oldcastle BuildingEnvelope®
Stackwall®/Vision Vue® is an exclusive structural wall system with glass panels comprising the facade and vertical glass mullions to structurally resist wind load and seismic forces. Stackwall®/Vision Vue® is free from visual obstructions, limiting the need for metal framing to the perimeter creating a seemingly floating glass facade. Where should I use it? Monumental Entrances - Malls, Museums, Hotels and Airports Building - Grandstands, Storefronts and Structural Canopies