Inspiration for Survivors

This may contain: a lion with its mouth open and the words, and the moment you are unafraid of the crowd, you are no longer a sheep
Lion inspired quotes
I used to try to be quiet, to not stand out, to please my mother, to not make trouble, then one day I found my lioness roar! Twice in Resolve, I share about the roar of that inner lioness. That lioness has felt rage, protectiveness, given me moments of clarity, and it’s comforting to know she is part of me. Resolve is available in all formats from Amazon and other online book and audio stores. #traumarecovery #traumarecoveryjourney #healingjourney #recovery #siblingsexualabuseawareness #incestawareness #breakthesilence #youarenotalone #embraceyourinnerlioness
You are a survivor and you are a creator
You survived what you did. Don't let others distract you from making your life the way you want to create it for yourself and for those you love. There's so much we can do in this one short life we get to live. Enjoy, do meaningful work. Don't care what people think of you! You are a Survivor.
This may contain: an orange background with two silhouettes and the words, when we share our stories, we
Michelle Obama quote about sharing our stories
#michelleobama words 🧡 #shareourstories #humanity #understanding #forgiveness #compassionate #empathetic #inclusive #writingheals #memoirwriting #toughtopics #advocacy #community #agentsofchange #incestawareness #siblingsexualabuse #siblingsexualtrauma #resolve #aliceperle
This may contain: a heart with the words i'll love me a lot more today and every day
F**k It! I'll Love Me a Lot More Today and Every Day
I need this reminder some days more than not. Sharing in case you need to remember that loving yourself might be all you need today. Follow me on Instagram. I share most of my work, blog releases, and book news there. I'm not much of a Facebook fan so I hope to see you on Instagram soon.
This may contain: the words may i be safe in gold glitters on a black background with an orange and
Affirmation of Self-Acceptance
May I Be Safe May I Be Peaceful May I Be Kind To Myself May I Accept Myself As I Am I wish you the same ❤️ Purchase a copy of RESOLVE today and start your journey towards healing and empowerment.