RESOLVE reviews received on Amazon, Goodreads, Audible and other Book and Audio Stores or direct to my inbox and social media profiles
7 Pins
Resolve Reader Review - a psychologist's point of view
It's rainy today on the Sunny Coast Sharing review words and a recommendation 📖 from a psychologist in Australia. That is like sunshine to me. Thank you 🙏 Purchase Resolve via the link to my website. #resolve #aliceperle #hiddentaboo #australianpsychologist #healingresource #survivorstories #incestawarenessaustralia #traumarecovery #siblingsexualabuseawareness 4 w
Resolve Reader Review - a psychologist's point of view
It's rainy today on the Sunny Coast Sharing review words and a recommendation 📖 from a psychologist in Australia. That is like sunshine to me. Thank you 🙏 Purchase Resolve via the link to my website. #resolve #aliceperle #hiddentaboo #australianpsychologist #healingresource #survivorstories #incestawarenessaustralia #traumarecovery #siblingsexualabuseawareness 4 w
Resolve Reader Review - a psychologist's point of view
It's rainy today on the Sunny Coast Sharing review words and a recommendation 📖 from a psychologist in Australia. That is like sunshine to me. Thank you 🙏 Purchase Resolve via the link to my website. #resolve #aliceperle #hiddentaboo #australianpsychologist #healingresource #survivorstories #incestawarenessaustralia #traumarecovery #siblingsexualabuseawareness 4 w
Resolve Review by a Goodreads Librarian
I didn't know there were such people as a Goodreads librarian. The things I'm learning as a first-time writer! I read that the librarians keep an eye on integrity of reviews on Goodreads. I appreciate the short review Tanya 'eat parchment' left this week as I have all the beautiful reviews received thus far. #memoirwriter #goodreadslibrarian #siblingsexualabuseawareness #resolve #aliceperle
This may contain: a piece of paper that has been torn off with the words reclaim and focus pinning down our past through descanos
Reclamation and Focus AND Memoirs and Storytelling
Check out these blogs for May - published each Friday. Let me know what you think about the practice of descansos or if you go ahead and practice it as part of your eclectic healing journey. Whilst you are there: 1. You can subscribe to receive the blog direct to your inbox. 2. If you live in Australia, Resolve can be purchased directly from me via the website as I'm self-published. 3. All links to Amazon's global stores are there and also Goodreads. 4. If you have read Resolve and it resonated with you or provided valuable insights, consider leaving a review on Amazon, Goodreads, Audible or the store you purchased it from. Your feedback helps amplify the message and reach other survivors and advocates who may benefit from this resource.
This may contain: a thought bubble with the words dearest alice, just finished reading your brilliantly written resolve all i can say at the moment is wow
Resolve by Alice Perle - reader review
❤️ reader reviews come in all forms. These are words from my inbox. Happy Wednesday 🎁 Purchase a copy of Resolve from any online bookstore or audiobook store globally. The link will take you to my website for links to all Amazon stores. #bigmagicatplay #setyourstoryfree #bethechangeyouwanttoseeintheworld #shinebright #readerreview #writewithlove #survivorresources #booksthatmatter #resolve #societaltaboos #familydynamics #familydysfunction #aliceperle