
What Chakras Are
Chakras represent the energy centers that exist in everyone, and each of us has seven. It's good to know what are they and how we can maximize them to our advantage.
How the chakras show in your hands
Chakra Hand Analysis - this is something that you can work with for two reasons. One is to see how the areas on your hand associate with your own chakra points and take notice of these areas to see which ones can use more healing work based on your hand analysis. You can also use this to send healing to these very specific chakra points by working with your self healing through these locations to correspond with your chakra energy centers.
The Ultimate Guide to the 7 Chakras for Beginners | Soul Truth Gateway
A Quick Guide to Your 7 Chakras | Chakras For Beginners | Chakras Healing | Chakras Balancing | Chakras Cleanse #chakras #soultruthgateway
How to Use Chakra Healing to Transform Your Life
Embrace your inner yoga goddess and make yogi jewelry with our beautiful collection of chakra charms! Shop now: www.ninadesigns.c...