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Chiken Katsu Rice
Chiken Katsu Rice | Yummy - Temukan resep-resep menarik lainnya hanya di: ⁣ Instagram: @Yummy.IDN ⁣ Facebook: Yummy Indonesia #chiken #chikenkatsu
Sempol Ayam Crispy
Jajanan kali ini memiliki tekstur lembut di dalam dengan lapisan crispy diluarnya. Ya, Sempol Crispy! Bahan: 250 gr daging ayam giling 60 gr tepung terigu 100 gr tepung sagu Minyak Bumbu: 3 siung bawang putih 4 siung bawang merah 1 sdt bubuk bawang putih Garam Lada putih bubuk Gula 50 ml Air 1 btr telur Tusuk sate/stik es krim Bahan baluran: 1 btr telur (kocok lepas) Tepung panir
Nugget Indomie Kornet
Nugget Indomie Kornet | Yummy - Temukan resep-resep menarik lainnya hanya di: ⁣ Instagram: @Yummy.IDN ⁣ Facebook: Yummy Indonesia #indomie #nuggetindomie #indomiekornet #indonesianfood
Tahu Rambutan
Bored with basic processed tofu? Rounded tofu? Filled tofu? Now try this one, Rambutan tofu. This processed tofu, at a glance is similar to the rambutan fruit because it is covered in dried noodles. It tastes savory and delicious, and the texture is soft inside but crispy outside. It is suitable as a lunch menu for children or as a family snack. Quail eggs can also be replaced with cheese or meatballs.