Latihan yoga

15 Pins
5 Yoga Poses To Reduce That Hideous Hangover In The Comfort Of Your Own Bed -
Ahh, Child's Pose. If you’re anything like me, you dream about the moment your yoga instructor tells you to find your way to this tasty pose at the end of a long, sweaty flow. There is something so nourishing and nurturing about this pose, especially when it is placed between long standing sequences. Child’s Pose is a true resting pose, and one that you can hold for long periods of time without the need for props.
Yoga Quotes : When you practise yoga once a week you change your mind. When you practise twic #yogalifestyleclothing
How Do You Get In Shape With A Bad Back? By Utilising This 8 Minute A Day Workout -
The lower back, or the lumbar region, can be an area that often gets sensitive for most of us at some point in our lives. Whether we have to sit a lot during the day, or whether we move a lot, the lumbar region can get affected. In any case, pain in the lower back can seriously affect your mood and your day.Yoga can offer a great relief for the pain, as well as provide great preventative care for the future. Here are eight yoga poses to ease lower back pain and relieve that dull ache.
9 Yoga Poses to Release Tension in Your Upper Back
10 Minute Beginner Yoga Routine to Ease Back Pain | Grounded Panda