Reduce Plastic

105 Pins
Things I No Longer Buy As A Low-Waste Minimalist • Hestia Speaks
Discovering minimalism and the zero-waste movement changed everything about my life. Once my needs became simpler, I didn’t need as much money to sustain myself. After a few years of trying different things, I was able to devote more of my time to traveling and writing, and less time working jobs I wasn’t keen on. #minimalism #minimalist #minimal #zerowaste #ecofriendly #plasticfree
What's in a zero waster's bag!? - Going Zero Waste
What's in my bag? What does a zero waster carry with them on an almost daily basis to avoid trash and waste while out? Find out at
Hast du dein Zero Waste Bambus Besteck für unterwegs immer dabei?
Ein total wichtiges Zero Waste Tool auf das ich auf Reisen oder unterwegs nicht mehr verzichten möchte.
Zero Waste Documentaries - Going Zero Waste
Two must see zero waste documentaries from
We recently started making an eco brick and wow one bottle can take a LOT of single use plastic! Great way of recycling if you can’t avoid…
ZERO WASTE BALI on Instagram: “How many of these do you do on a daily bases? This is not a competition either.
Advocating Progress
great poster from The Ocean Conservancy
12 Things You Need for a Zero Waste Kitchen
Everything you need to get your zero waste kitchen started. It's seriously easier than you think!