Code lyoko board

141 Pins
William's clone besides of it being stupid it was quite adorable during Code Lyoko: Season 4 A Lack of Goodwill.
Code Lyoko: Keep Calm- XANA by Hyper-Knux on DeviantArt
Code Lyoko: Keep Calm- XANA by Hyper-Knux on DeviantArt
Aelita and Odd by hunterGON by Code-Lyoko-Club on DeviantArt
[code lyoko] aelita & odd----> Made me laugh. He's all like, strawberries, and she's all like, B UG! ASDFGHJKL!
Forum Ados
code lyoko - sasadu27 - Photos - page 1 - Club Ados.
Graouu by clefchan on DeviantArt
[code lyoko] odd della robbia
Odd and Yumi virtualized on earth from the Lyoko on the Space Station or in Siberia.