A Gentleman's Documents

115 Pins
Justin Timberlake Photo: Justin SNL Xmas promo 2013
Hollaaaaa!! One of the best pics I have seen of him to date. Holy moly.
Sien's Mother's House, Closer View, 1882 - Vincent van Gogh - WikiArt.org
Sien's Mother's House, Closer View - Vincent van Gogh
Jake Gyllenhaal by Hedi Slimane for VMAN Fall/Winter 2013,
Jake Gyllenhaal by Hedi Slimane for VMAN Fall/Winter 2013,
Jana Cruder Director Photographer
Robert Pattinson (CELEBRITY | Los Angeles - New York Fashion Celebrity Advertising Photographer)
The Stars in Our Eyes
Liam Neeson. This man gets sexier the older he gets! Young actors don't know how to be men yet, which is why I prefer older actors with character and intensity.
Best Performances: The Photos
Leonardo DiCaprio in W Magazine for "Best Performances" in J. Edgar. Great character in this shot...