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第31回有松絞りまつり | 有松おすすめ情報 | 有松・鳴海絞会館
Twenty different types of shibori techniques to try out.
Shibori Shirt
Paso a paso cómo #teñir remeras con técnica #Batik, si es de color solo coloca las bandas elásticas y la sumerges en lavandina diluida, si es blanca sumergela en anilina
| eHow
Method to fold for dress/skirt, uses tiles
American, Catharine Ellis’ woven shibori with natural dyes: works of art & textile pieces. See Blogroll for a link.
Taiten Shibori – Handwoven wool and silk. Osage orange and logwood / Meadow – 16″ x 16″ Woven, shibori resist, dyed, painted, stitched / Circle Twills – Jacquard wove…
DIY Bleach Tie Dye
Last summer, we were obsessed with shibori indigo tie dying. No, really . . . we just about dyed anything white in sight. So when Free People asked us to include a DIY in their guest blogger series, we knew a new tie dye project was absolutely in order. And as the weather is beginning to warm up,
Nui Shibori
Shibori Folding Techniques | Stitching and gathering around dowels
Resultado de imagen de shibori
Shibori Hand Dye Wallet, Hand Dyed Indigo Wallet, Hand Dyed Pouch, Tie Dye Shibori, Japanese Shibori, Hand Dyed, Shibori Pattern, Coin Case - Etsy Canada
Shibori - Murakumo shibori. After the fabric is wrapped around a plastic pipe, it's compressed to make pleats. This hand-dyed mini-wallet has two fold-over compartments, and sewn by me, Little m Blue.
Old Junk recycled into new treasures!
oh-totoro: “ I know that I have reblogged this several times before, but I don’t care… TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND NOTES!!! WOOHOOOO!!! ^___________^ xox ” me now
Beautiful indigo shades at Calik’s inspirational shibori tie-dye workshop. Denim by Première Vision, Paris
shibori | Karin Knudsen: studio journal | Page 3
falling leaves_knudsen_blog_2011