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AYOBAMI on Instagram: "Do you agree with this?"
Conscious Parenting | Enhancing Family Relationships on Instagram: "Share this with a parent friend! Emotions matter and kids learn how to handle them from us! Follow @theconsciousparentinghub for more insightful parenting guidance. #emotionalintelligence #emotionalregulation #authoritativeparenting"
Dr. Jazmine | Parenting on Instagram: "Kids have a messy way of asking for our love, don't they? 😅 Let's talk in the comments - Which behavior are you seeing the most right now 1-5?"
Preeti Vaishnavi on Instagram: "Which one will you let go? Most of these happen unknowingly, though we want best for our kids. Pause, think, change and move ahead this year... Parenting is not an easy task but we can make it wonderful by being a little mindful! Comment 'yes' #awareparenting #parentingwithpreeti #powerinparenting #parentingtips"
How to Discipline a Child and Stop Defiant Behavior - Healthy Family and Me
How to discipline your child and stop defiant behavior is not that hard. Use positive parenting strategies like these to raise happy kids who are well behaved. Free kids discipline printable. Read it now. #discipline #raisekids #toddlertips #parenting #parentingtips
Institute of Child Psychology on Instagram: "As some of the happiest ranked people on the planet, the Danes have a lot to teach us about parenting and living a happy and fulfilled life. . . . 🎁 This week only is our BLACK FRIDAY SALE 🎉 60% off ALL PARENTING & MENTAL HEALTH COURSES 👇 Type BLACKFRIDAY to get a link 👇 TOPCIS INCLUDE: Discpline, Anxiety, Divorce, Highly Sensitive Children, Trauma, Emotion Regulation, Resliency, Sensory issues, ADHD, Anger, Autism, Play Therapy, OCD, and many more! Over 60 courses to choose from! ✅ Workbooks ✅ Certificate of Completion ✅ Tools and strategies to support children & teens ✅ Self-Paced Study ✅ Life-Time Access OFFER 2: 🎉Take 50% off our Annual Membership all-access pass to all of our courses, parenting & mental health printables,
Jaimie Bloch | Parent & Child Clinical Psychologist on Instagram: "It is challenging to know what to say and how to respond when kids are angry and dysregulated. It is normal as a parent to take it personally and feel equally upset with your child. Our impulse may be to reprimand them, set a boundary and tell them how revolting what they are doing and saying is. But the reality is that whilst we see anger on the outside, on the inside is shame, hurt, disconnection, isolation and pain. We do not want to meet our child’s pain with more pain by creating more disconnection and space in the relationship with them. As a parent we want to soften all our children’s falls, we want to be the safe anchoring amidst the stormy emotional waters. I know many people may be reading this and thinking, “I c
Zara Kadir on Instagram: "Children experience emotions differently than adults, and understanding the impact of shame versus guilt is crucial. While guilt can motivate change by highlighting, ‘I did something wrong,’ shame cuts deeper, whispering, ‘I am wrong.’ As parents and caregivers, it’s essential to respond in ways that affirm their goodness, even when guiding them through mistakes. 🌱 Download my tantrums 101 guide (link in the bio) for more insights into navigating children’s emotional worlds. #ParentingTips #AttachmentParenting #ShameAndGuilt #ChildDevelopment #BuildingConnection #GentleParenting #EmotionCoaching #UnderstandingKids #ParentingSupport #EarlyChildhood #ChildEmotions #positiveparentingsolutions ##positiveparentingskills #positiveparentingeducation #tantrum #tantrum
Create Kids Inc on Instagram: "🤓On average children begin to make core memories around the age of 3. 🤔Small memories are often what children remember most. They are the moments they learned something special or were emotionally hurt. Sometimes they aren't moments adults consider important or remember after a while. That's why kindness is important and skill building is a life long GIFT. ❤️ P.S. Who else felt the change this morning?! ⛄️🎄🎅🤶❄️ #parenting #children #parentingtips #parentingskills #momlife #dads #dadsofig #lifeskills #learning #LearningAndDevelopment #learningthroughplay #ParentingJourney #parentinglife"
Dr. Jazmine | Parenting on Instagram: "That moment when you're running late, your child won't put their shoes on, and you feel that urge to yell rising... I know it feels counterintuitive to slow down when you're already running behind (this will NOT be what you *want* to do when the clock is staring you down). But here's what I've learned both as a mom and psychologist: The more rushed we feel, the more our children tend to push back. It's not defiance - it's their nervous system responding to our stress. The next time you feel that transition tension rising: 1. Take a breath 2. Join them where they are 3. Connect before directing 4. Focus on the next step (not the time pressure) If you try this step-by-step guide, please let me know how it goes (whether or not it "works"- I'd love
Jaimie Bloch | Parent & Child Clinical Psychologist on Instagram: "At the clinic, we often use the analogy of an iceberg to help parents understand their child’s behaviour. Children do not have the awareness to understand their emotions or the tools to communicate with words, so they often use their behaviour.In the iceberg analogy, we draw an iceberg and show a parent how the child’s behaviour is the tip of the iceberg, and what we see on the surface. Behaviour is triggered by feelings, which stem from the deeply rooted needs of the child, which lie under the surface of the water. When we feel disconnected from others as adults, we experience negative emotions and thoughts. This can impact our outlook on the world and our perception of our own abilities. Children are more sensitive than
Create Kids Inc on Instagram: "💪These 1 liners will help you in the heat of the moment. 😅When we're responding in the moment we CAN'T remember long scripts. Parent's need short statements that explain their position quickly. 😵‍Long statements get confused by kids because it's really easy to miss the point. It can get lost in those big, complex words or all of the emotional tension happening in the moment. 📌Instead, try these 1 line responses that leave the door open for longer conversations. They are short enough that you can easily adapt them to your own family values or the situation at hand. We hope these help you find the right words during those stressful moments! ❤️ Do you use some good ones we missed? 👇 #parenting #children #parentingtips #parentingskills #parenting10
Emma Christmas - Parenting, Play, Childhood. on Instagram: "THIS is why it matters 👇🏼 Have you spotted what all of these have in common? They’re all to do with those tiny interactions we have everyday. Those little everyday moments are our opportunity to disconnect or reconnect. But why is this SO important? Children need these things to have healthy brain development. And the best part is, you don’t need to buy anything or go anywhere…everything they need is already within you. Comment 👋🏼 for activities you can try to boost this! FOLLOW @everydayehc for more! #mentalhealthformums #awareparenting #motherhoodsupport #connectedparenting #regulatingemotions #emotionalcontrol #teachingchildren #calmparenting #parentinghelp #breakingcycles #childrenswellbeing #positiveparentingt
Zara Kadir on Instagram: "Is your child overwhelmed by even the smallest of challenges? The ‘Size of the Problem’ chart can be a powerful tool to help them understand and respond to problems appropriately. By matching their reaction to the problem’s scale, we can support them in developing emotional regulation and resilience. 🧠💪 You can try examples or try what I often do, I break it down into a problem my son can solve alone quickly, a problem we can solve together within 24-48 hours or a problem I/an adult has to fix and may take a while. Download my Tantrums 101 Guide (link in the bio) to dive deeper into strategies like these and more! #EmotionalRegulation #ParentingTips #ChildDevelopment #ResilientKids #Tantrums101 #RaisingEmotionallyIntelligentKids #KidsMentalHealth #SizeOfThePro