
52 Pins
Kücheninsel aus Paletten
Gogoek hat sich seine Kücheninseln aus Paletten selber gebaut. Das macht die Küche im Landhausstil gleich noch viel praktischer! Hier findest du weitere tolle Einrichtungsinspirationen #küche #kücheninsel #kochen #paletten #europaletten #landhausstil #tapete #holz #holzboden #weiß #einrichten #COUCHstyle
10 BEST Cutting Board Designs That Will Wow Your Guests Like Crazy • THE ENDEARING DESIGNER
This corner cutting board helps you to save space instead of taking up the space you have, which is what most cutting boards do. You can place it on the corner of your kitchen surface as shown above. Found this on a 56 best cutting boards list. Neat idea!
12 Easy Kitchen Storage Ideas That Will Change Your Life
Taking into account it comes for order in the kitchen usually every of us are infuriating to keep it in the highest level. But as soon as you have a good organisation for every stuff in the kitchen you will have a tidy and shining kitchen in the same mount up old. kitchen storage ideas pantry. #KitchenStorageideas, #kitchenstorageideas, #pantrystorage