F - Scullen

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DIY Cement Planters and Garden Globes
DIY Cement Planters #remodelaholic #cement #DIY #crafts
INVERT A TOMATO CAGE in a pot, cover it with chicken wire, then fill with spaghnum moss on the outside, peat moss inside. Poke in Sedums, hen and chicks, Sempervivum, Echeveria, Graptoveria, Graptopetalum, Pachyphytum, Pachyveria and other succulents. You created a TOPIARY TREE covered with "roses"!
DIY Hanging Succulent Garden
DIY Hanging Planter and Succulent Garden by Megan Pflug of One Kings Lane for Design*Sponge (Photos by Leslie Unruh) #diy #planter #plants #garden #planter
Succulent Gardens booth
succulent garden wall